Le remake de Resident Evil 4 manque toujours d'un élément important de contenu - Materiel-Gamer

Le remake de Resident Evil 4 manque toujours d’un élément important de contenu

Article: Highlights Resident Evil 4 remake successfully reinvented the game, while still being comparable in quality to the original

Highlights Resident Evil 4 remake successfully reinvented the game, while still being comparable in quality to the original

The Remake Brings Back Unlockable Content

The remake of Resident Evil 4 brought back unlockable costumes and weapons from the original game. It also added new changes to higher difficulties and introduced a selection of equippable charms for players to experiment with. The game offers a variety of challenges and even includes speedrun skips for players to discover. Overall, the community was satisfied with the content provided.

Missing Content from the Original Game

However, the remake of Resident Evil 4 does lack some content from the original game. Notably, Ada Wong’s Separate Ways campaign is absent, as well as the U3 boss fight. Additionally, appearances by Ada and Wesker in the Mercenaries mode are also missing. These omissions have left players wondering when this content will be included in the remake.

Ada Wong’s Role in the Remake

Ada Wong, a secret agent who was first introduced in Resident Evil 2, plays a significant role in the remake of Resident Evil 4. She interacts with Leon several times throughout the game, and it is revealed at the end that she has been working with Albert Wesker, a former villain in the Resident Evil series. Ada’s mission involves obtaining samples of the Las Plagas parasite, which plays a part in the overall Resident Evil lore.

Potential DLC and Expanded Modes

In the original versions of Resident Evil 4, there were bonus modes that provided more context to Ada’s quest. These modes, such as Separate Ways, expanded on Ada’s storyline and included additional dialogue between her and Wesker. Many fans anticipated that these modes would be included as DLC for the remake, similar to the non-canon stories introduced in the Resident Evil 2 remake. However, no DLC has been announced yet, leaving players curious about when this content will be added to the remake.

Missing Boss Fight and Mercenaries Content

One major omission from the remake is the U3 boss fight, where players were chased by a chimeric creature through a labyrinth. This boss fight and its corresponding section on the island base are entirely absent in the remake. Furthermore, the Mercenaries mode in the remake lacks the presence of Ada and Wesker, which was present in the original game. These missing elements create a noticeable gap in the otherwise faithful remake of Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 remake is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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