Un joueur chanceux de Pokémon GO obtient une récompense incroyable après avoir atteint le niveau 50 - Materiel-Gamer

Un joueur chanceux de Pokémon GO obtient une récompense incroyable après avoir atteint le niveau 50

Level 50 Achievement in Pokémon GO – Matériel Gamer

Level 50 Achievement in Pokémon GO


Hitting level 50 in Pokémon GO is a significant achievement that takes time and dedication. A lucky player encountered a shiny Mewtwo after completing the level 50 Special Research Challenge. While encountering a shiny legendary Pokémon is rare, it serves as a reminder of the rewards that can come from grinding in the game.


One lucky player of Pokémon GO has finally reached level 50 in the game, sharing the interesting experience they had with their Mewtwo encounter after they completed the level’s special challenge. For players who have yet to hit the current Pokémon GO level cap, this fan’s lucky experience will probably serve as inspiration for them to grind through and level up in the mobile game.

At the moment, the highest level a player can reach in Pokémon GO is capped at 50. The mobile title has an incredible amount of activities to provide players with in-game experience, whether it’s new Pokémon GO seasons, Community Days, special research tasks or challenges, and even hourly events that highlight specific pocket creatures. However, even when there is a lot to do, it still takes a lot of time and dedication to finally hit level 50. So, it is not surprising for this particular player to be proud of what they have achieved, and it seems the mobile title has rewarded them for it, too.

On Reddit, user Creepy-Phone shared a screenshot of the Mewtwo encounter they had when they completed the Level 50 Special Research Challenge in Pokémon GO. In the photo, the legendary pocket creature they encountered was clearly a shiny one, indicated by its muted silver and green body colorings. Given that it is particularly rare to encounter a shiny Pokémon in Pokémon GO, especially in fixed encounters from completing research tasks and challenges, the Redditor was probably glad that they completed the challenge that day.

According to the post’s description, it took the player so long to complete the challenge because they did not want to go through the required matches in the Pokémon GO Battle League. However, they persevered and probably thought all their efforts paid off the moment they saw the shiny legendary Mewtwo on their screen. Fellow Pokémon GO players replied on the Reddit thread with their own experiences on trying to hit the level cap. Some have been playing since the mobile title’s release in 2016, and have yet to reach level 50. Others seem to be playing hardcore, with only a few levels left to 50 while having only started the game in the past few months.

Unfortunately, fans should not expect to see a shiny legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO every time they have a fixed encounter. Creepy-Phone was incredibly fortunate with theirs and should only serve as a reminder of what lucky things can happen when players keep grinding in Pokémon GO.

Pokémon GO is available now for Android and iOS.

MORE: Pokémon GO: 5 Items You Should Discard (& 5 You Should Keep)

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